A Bath For Your Favorite Ride

Do you like your car? Most people would agree that they like their car. And because they like their car, they usually have a goal of taking good care of it. Car washing and auto detailing businesses can really help with that. Some car washes wash the vehicle for you, and others have setups that make it easier for you to wash your own car. Either way, at the end of the day, your car will become clean and look its best. Join us here on this website for more content about car washes, auto detailing, and keeping your ride clean.

Ensure Good Results: What To Do Before Applying Protective Paint Film


If you're looking for ways to accessorize your car, now's the time to invest in paint protection film. Paint protection film provides benefits you might not have considered. The protective film makes your car easier to clean. In fact, things like bird droppings rinse right off the car when you have a protective film. Plus, the protective film increases the value of your car. But, you do need to make sure the paint protective film gets installed correctly. Without the right installation, protective film can bubble and lift. If you're not sure how to install paint protection film, read the list below. Here are three steps to take when installing protective film on your car. 

Repair Surface Blemishes

If you want to ensure good results with your paint film, you need to remove any surface blemishes. That includes scuff marks and scratches. Surface blemishes can be seen through the protective film. Plus, blemishes can cause the film to lift and separate from the car. You can use a polishing compound to gently buff away the blemishes. Or, you can hire a body shop to remove the blemishes for you.

Deep Clean Your Vehicle

If you're ready to apply a paint protective film, be sure to deep clean the surface of your car. You need to remove dirt, grease, and bird droppings before applying the film. Use a mild soap and water solution to remove the dirt and debris. Give your car a thorough rinsing to remove any soapy residue. Once you've washed your car, avoid using a towel for drying. Towels can leave behind a lint residue. Instead, let your car air dry. 

Prevent Adhesion Issues

If you want to extend the life of your protective film, be sure to avoid issues with adhesion. If the film doesn't adhere to your car, it will blister, bubble, and peel. You can avoid those problems by taking precautions before you apply the film. Before you apply the protective film, remove any waxy buildup. It's also a good idea to test surface compatibility before applying the film. You can do that by applying the film to a small section of the car. That way, you can make sure that the film won't react with the paint on your car. Once you know there aren't any adhesion issues, you're ready to install the film. 

Don't take chances with your protective paint film. Use the tips provided here to ensure a flawless application.

Contact a local company to learn more about dofferent products, like XPEL paint protection film.


31 July 2023